When Gangwon FC of the second-tier K-League Challenge took down the winningest club in the top-tier K-League Classic, Seongnam FC, to earn its promotion to the top league, Choi Yun-kyum, the team’s coach, was ecstatic. The skipper had been waiting for this moment for the past four years. But more elated than the manager himself about the promotion was his son Choi Min-ho, better known by the public as singer-turned-actor Minho of K-pop boy group SHINee. When the JoongAng Ilbo met the Chois before the premiere of Minho’s latest movie “Derailed,” the first thing the actor said was how excited he was about his father’s team being promoted to the Classic. He compared it to the first time SHINee topped local music charts. “It was worth going all the way down to Busan [where Gangwon played the first round of playoffs] to watch my dad’s team play,” Minho said. “Minho came to the stadium more than 20 times this season despite his busy schedule,” the skipper of Gangwon added. “He came all the way to Chuncheon, Gangneung and Wonju [all located in Gangwon, more than 40 miles north of Seoul]. He was like my lucky charm because the matches he attended, we actually won many of them.” 

Choi Yun-kyum, a 54-year-old Daejeon native, is a former footballer himself, having played as a defender back in the days for the Yukong Elephants, the predecessor of Jeju United FC in the K-League Classic, as well as for the Korean national team. He even made an appearance in the 1988 Seoul Olympics, playing for the U-23 team as a wild card. And like his father, Minho is considered to have one of the best football skills among Korean celebrities. On the television show “Our Neighborhood Arts and Physical Education,” which features celebrities playing various sports, Minho scored two goals against the old boys of FC Seoul. Choi Tae-uk, a retired winger who played for various Classic elites including FC Seoul, Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors and Ulsan Hyundai FC, can attest to Minho’s football skills. He was one of the FC Seoul veterans who failed to catch the actor’s two shots. “I wanted to become a professional football player like my dad,” Minho said. “But when I was a fifth grader, he told me he would kick me out of the house if I pursue that dream. That was the first time he disapproved of something I did so I decided to give up the dream.” “Frankly, I didn’t want him to follow my path,” Coach Choi said. “Back when I was playing, it was difficult to make it in that world, very abusive back in those days. I would stay home for a couple of hours and then be off to training camp. It pained me to see my son asking me to stay over for the night. “And from the football manager’s point of view, I didn’t think Minho had it in him to make it in that world,” he added. “He is strong-willed, but he had a small frame.” 

So instead of representing Korea on the football pitch, Minho went down the path of representing the country on the stage. As a global entertainer, he has four Golden Disk Awards for achievements in the Korean music industry as well as a commendation from the nation’s prime minister. But when it comes to love for the sport, Minho is second to none. Back in 2012, he was spotted attending a Queens Park Rangers match in London to watch Park Ji-sung play before retirement. “I am an Arsenal fan,” Minho said. “It’s fun when Dad and I watch a game together because he uses football nomenclature like stopper. I tell him these days that they say center back more than stopper.” Before the season earlier this year, Choi Yun-kyum promised that if Gangwon were promoted to the Classic, he would have SHINee perform a concert. The manager admitted that it was out of impulse. “I didn’t know just how busy my son was,” he conceded. 

But Minho said if the schedule allows, and if his fellow members are up for it, he would love to host a concert for his dad. And one day, just like his father, Minho says he wants to be part of a football club in Korea. “Maybe not as an owner, but at least as an executive,” he said. “But I will always be my dad’s biggest fan.”

'Study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글

Tesla Motors’ Korea entry runs into delay  (0) 2016.12.05
The Plight of Supporting Actors  (0) 2016.12.02
Donald Trump: Just Wait and See  (0) 2016.11.29
Korean Air unveils new routes  (0) 2016.11.28
Thailand Today  (0) 2016.11.25

黒板(こくばん)を消(け)す。: 칠판을 지우다.

消(け)しゴムで消(け)してください。: 지우개로 지워주세요.

落書(らくが)きを消(け)している。: 낙서를 지우고 있다.

On November 9, 2016, Donald Trump, the Republican bet for the U.S. presidency, was declared by the U.S. Electoral College as the 45th President of the United States of America. Trump won against Hillary Clinton by a significant number of electoral votes that defied predictions and pre-election polls. Trump’s victory came as a surprise to many especially to American citizens who were very vocal about their detestation towards the new president. Although some still cannot believe the result of the recent presidential election, many have moved on and are now waiting to see how Donald Trump would lead one of the world’s leading superpowers.

Donald Trump’s rhetoric during the entire period of his presidential campaign was controversial. He has given plenty of strong declarations which he later on negated, and this perplexed and made many people concerned about his real plans for the U.S.Many are waiting for his plans about key issues concerning the U.S. economy, international relations, etc.

Donald Trump gave a speech right after his opponent concededfrom the presidential race. In his speech, he reiterated his desires to “make America great again.” He said he would “bind the wounds” of the divided country and his efforts would gear towards making Americans come together to become “one united people.”

Trump is expected to focus on building a lot of new infrastructure and change a lot of policies and programs made by the Obama administration. He is expected to spend at least half a trillion U.S. dollars on building new infrastructure like major roads, bridges, airports, and highways. He is also planning to reverse more than twenty executive orders of the past administration which includes changing Obamacare, a system that has brought health insurance to Americans who cannot afford it, to a “Health Savings Account” system that would give more power to governing bodies of each state to control funds.

In terms of economy and international relations, Trump stands firm in his belief that the U.S. is “of, for, and by its people.” His view against the entry and continued stay of illegal migrants and refugees in the U.S. is something that will influence his moves as president. He is expected to become more restrictive about immigration policies because he wants to prioritize Americans especially in terms of employment and benefit acquisition. Some economic analysts say this would benefit Americans because more jobs and services will be made available to them. They add that it will not cause serious economic problems.

Many say that Donald Trump’s term as the U.S. President will be unpredictable and radical. However, Donald Trump himself assured his people that he has great plans for the country. He said that all the Americans need to do now is “just wait and see.”

'Study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글

The Plight of Supporting Actors  (0) 2016.12.02
In football and K-pop, like father, like son  (0) 2016.12.01
Korean Air unveils new routes  (0) 2016.11.28
Thailand Today  (0) 2016.11.25
China closes door on Korean entertainers  (0) 2016.11.24

靴(くつ)を磨(みが)く。: 신발의 윤을 내다.

歯(は)を磨(みが)く。: 이를 닦다.

腕(うで)を磨(みが)く。: 솜씨를 연마하다.

Korean Air, the nation’s largest airline, will launch direct flights to the Mediterranean city of Barcelona, Spain, and add more flights to the American West Coast while cutting down on less popular routes to ramp up profitability in the increasingly competitive airline market. The new flights to Barcelona will operate three times a week starting next April. The company said it will be the first direct flight to the Spanish city from a Northeast Asian country. Barcelona is Spain’s second-largest regional economy and is renowned for its pristine beaches as well as architectural marvels by modernist Antoni Gaudi such as La Sagrada Familia and Park Guell. “We expect there will also be a growing number of business travelers headed to Barcelona, since the city has developed its automaking and pharmaceutical industries,” a company spokesperson said. 

According to a Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency report on Spain, the country is the second-largest producer of cars in Europe after Germany. Japanese carmaker Nissan has a manufacturing facility in Barcelona. Korean Air is also increasing the number of flights to cities on the American West Coast, including San Francisco, Seattle and Los Angeles. While there is currently one daily flight to San Francisco during the day, the airline will add an extra nighttime flight next year to meet the route’s high demand. The night flight will start operating five times a week in April and then be serviced daily starting from September. “Apart from customers directly flying between Incheon and San Francisco, some customers from the city stop by Incheon to transfer to flights bound for China or Southeast Asia,” Korean Air said in a statement Wednesday. “Increased options could enhance their convenience.” 

While routes to the United States have been doing well, the airline’s flights to Saudi Arabia have not been as popular. By the end of February, Korean Air plans to suspend flights from Incheon to Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, and the port city of Jeddah. The Saudi Arabian route was launched in 2012 with ambitions to connect Seoul to the oil-abundant country. At the time, Korean Air President Ji Chang-hoon said, “The direct flight will become a messenger to spread Korean culture in the Middle East and aid economic cooperation between the two countries.” Demand failed to reach expectations, and travel to the country has been on the decline recently, incurring losses for Korean Air. Low oil prices have burdened the Saudi Arabian economy, leading to shrinking orders for construction and oil refining projects in the country. To minimize inconvenience, Korean Air said it will expand connecting flights departing from Dubai in the United Arab Emirates to other Middle Eastern countries in cooperation with Middle East-based airlines. Korean Air operates flights bound for Dubai seven times a week. Flights bound for Siem Reap, the northwestern Cambodian city famed for its Angkor Wat temple complex, will also be suspended in early February due to lack of demand. “The city’s lack of tourism infrastructure has led to annual losses on the route,” the company said in a statement. 

Meanwhile, Korean Air continues to work on developing a route to Tehran. After economic sanctions on Iran were lifted earlier this year, expectations were high for potential business opportunities. However, as dollar-based transactions are still not permitted and the country lacks infrastructure for foreign companies, Korean firms are finding it difficult to expand business there. “It doesn’t mean we are giving up on launching the service, but we will take it slow and watch market conditions,” a Korean Air spokesperson said.

'Study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글

In football and K-pop, like father, like son  (0) 2016.12.01
Donald Trump: Just Wait and See  (0) 2016.11.29
Thailand Today  (0) 2016.11.25
China closes door on Korean entertainers  (0) 2016.11.24
Adoptee arrives in the home he doesn’t know  (0) 2016.11.23

タバコを吸(す)う。: 담배를 피운다.

きれいな空気(くうき)を吸(す)う。: 깨끗한 공기를 마시다.

息(いき)を大(おお)きく吸(す)ってください。: 숨을 크게 쉬세요.

Thailand Today

Study/English 2016. 11. 25. 09:45

On October 13, 2016, Thailand’s most respected leader, King Bhumibol Adulyadej, passed away at 88 due to his deterioratinghealth. King Bhumibol is considered the father of Thailand and hailed as a semi-divine being by Thais. He is a symbol of unity in a country that is often troubled by political turmoil and various coups

Upon hearing the news about his death, many of his grief-stricken followers assembled and wept outside the hospital where he died. World leaders such as President Barack Obama and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon also expressed their deepest condolencesand heartfelt tribute to the late king.

Following the king’s death, Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha announced that Thailand would hold a yearlong mourning period and a month-long period of subdued mood. Along with the mourning are talks about the country’s future. Many people are wondering how the passing of Thailand’s revered king would affect the country and its economy. 

Many factors affect Thailand’s economic downturn this year, and perhaps, the following years to come. Among them are the country’s mourning period, political turmoil, and most importantly, the transition to a new monarch—King Bhumibol’s heir, Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn. The first 30 days of mourning have already affected the forecast for the country’s economic growth this year which is at 3.1 percent.

The political turmoil is also seen as a factor that may throw offinvestors if they see that it can threaten Thailand’s stability. Finally, Prince Maha’s ascension to the throne draws a picture of uncertainty because Thais know little about him and his vision for the country. The yearlong mourning period is nevertheless a good preparation for him.

Among the things that King Bhumibol is known and will be remembered for is his Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP). It promotes the middle path and upholds moderation, reasonableness, and resiliency in all economic endeavors. Many people believe that it is possible for businesses to follow the philosophy and still make profit. In fact, some people say that the SEP had a role in Thailand’s recovery from the 1997 Asian financial crisis. It is then fair to assume that the SEP can help Thailand sustain its economy even under new leadership and amidst political instability. 

If King Bhumibol were still alive, I believe he would want his people to continue living the SEP. He would also want Thais to give his successor a chance to continue upholding his legacy. During uncertain times like this, these are two simple things that every Thai should do.

体(からだ)が動(うご)く。: 몸이 움직이다.

人形(にんぎょう)が動(うご)いている。: 인형이 움직이고 있다.

皿(さら)が勝手(かって)に動(うご)いた。: 그릇이 마음대로 움직였다.

Beijing ordered local broadcasters not to air Korean dramas, movies or entertainment shows in apparent retaliation for Seoul’s rush to deploy a U.S.-led antimissile defense system in less than a year, according to multiple sources in China. If true, it would be China’s toughest ban imposed on South Korea’s entertainment business so far. Ever since Seoul and Washington jointly announced their decision on July 8 to deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (Thaad) system on South Korean soil, Beijing has been blacklisting Korean entertainers, though not officially. 

The Chinese government has recently ordered local broadcasters not to air Korean dramas, movies, entertainment shows or Chinese remade versions of Korean content, according to EntGroup, a Chinese entertainment market researcher, on Sunday. Korean projects that already passed all legal procedures to be aired on Chinese TV will be excluded from the new rule, the researcher quoted the government as saying, adding that broadcasters are now “waiting” for the official papers to arrive detailing the ban. A producer in Jiangsu Province received an order from the government not to hire any Korean celebrities on his show, according to Weishi Guanchasheng (Chinese for “television viewer”), a popular entertainment writer on the Chinese microblogging site Weibo. “It’s an urgent matter,” the user wrote. “All broadcasters have been spurred into action.” 

Chuanmeiquan, which translates as “media circle,” a Chinese news portal that focuses on Chinese entertainment, reported Sunday that the country’s ban on Korean acts have “finally come to light,” and that everyone in showbiz is “waiting for official government papers to arrive.” According to sources, the latest ban will block Korean companies from jointly producing dramas and entertainment shows with their Chinese counterparts, Chinese broadcasters from airing shows that feature Korean celebrities, Korean agencies from organizing idol concerts in China gathering 10,000 guests or more and Chinese companies from investing in Korean agencies. Actor Song Joong-ki, the male lead in the “Descendants from the Sun” (2016), appears to have been affected by the measure when he was swapped with a Chinese actor in a TV ad for VIVO, a leading smartphone brand in China, earlier this month. Chinese media reports indicate that cosmetics brands are also discussing whether to change their Korean models, including Kim Soo-hyun, Ahn Jae-hyun and Song Hye-kyo. Events in China with K-pop and K-drama stars, including boy band EXO, have already been cancelled, affecting the stock prices of K-pop management companies including SM, YG and JYP. In August, a Chinese TV show deleted scenes featuring Korean singer Hwang Chi-yeul or blocked his image with subtitles and pixilation. His name was also absent from the credits at the end of the show. Last week, Seoul successfully acquired the Lotte Skyhill Country Club in Seongju County, North Gyeongsang, from Lotte Group for the Thaad site, taking one step closer to deploying the battery. 

Gen. Vincent K. Brooks, commander of the U.S. Forces Korea, said earlier this month during a military seminar in central Seoul that the anti-missile system will be deployed within eight to 10 months. Both China and Russia have expressed strong opposition to the deployment, saying it would compromise their strategic security interests. They have especially been concerned that the Thaad’s powerful X-Band radar could be used to spy on their territories.

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Adoptee arrives in the home he doesn’t know  (0) 2016.11.23
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Korean start-ups lacking diversity  (0) 2016.11.21

ご飯(はん)を炊(た)く。: 밥을 짓다.

おかゆを炊(た)く。: 죽을 끊이다.

豆(まめ)を炊(た)く。: 콩을 삶다.