いたい (痛い): 이타이 (아프다)
痛(いた)いところはありませんか。: 아픈 곳은 없습니까?
痛(いた)くないよ!: 아프지않아요!
心(こころ)が痛(いた)い。: 마음이 아프다.

'Study > Japanese' 카테고리의 다른 글
やめる (辞める): 야메루 (그만두다) (0) | 2016.12.26 |
やく (焼く): 야쿠 (굽다) (0) | 2016.12.23 |
ゆるす (許す): 유루스 (용서하다) (0) | 2016.12.22 |
にらむ (睨む): 니라무 (쏘아보다 / 노려보다) (0) | 2016.12.21 |
たたかう (戦う): 타타카우 (싸우다) (0) | 2016.12.20 |
Belligerent passenger ignores summons
The violent intoxicated passenger who attacked passengers and crew members on a Korean Air flight from Hanoi to Seoul is evading police summons, and there is brewing skepticism that he may get away with only a slap on the wrist. The passenger, a 34-year-old Korean man surnamed Yim who was seated in prestige class (business class), struck another passenger and attacked cabin crew who tried to restrain him. Immediately after arrival in Korea, Yim was taken into custody by Incheon International Airport Police but was released late Tuesday because he was too drunk to respond to questions, and police said they would summon him when he was sober. Police notified Yim to appear for questioning on Thursday but Yim said he would make a decision to appear after consulting with his lawyer. A police official said they notified Yim that “because public sentiment is not good, appear for investigation today [Thursday],” or by 1 p.m. on Friday at the latest. “After appointing a lawyer and discussing things with him,” Yim replied, “then I will appear for questioning.”
Yim was said to have boarded the plane already intoxicated and consumed two and a half glasses of whisky inflight. He works for his father’s trading company and was returning from a business trip to Vietnam. Police said Yim kept trying to make conversation with a 56-year-old passenger next to him, who tried to ignore him. Yim eventually got angry and struck the passenger. American Grammy-winning pop singer Richard Marx and his wife Daisy Fuentes, a former MTV VJ, were also aboard the flight, sitting in the row beside Yim in business class. Marx stepped in to help subdue Yim and the couple took photos and videos of the fiasco and shared it over social media, garnering international attention. The process of binding Yim with a rope, in accordance with airline protocol, took an estimated hour. A three-minute video of the scene that has been circulating on the internet shows Yim resisting being tied down by the flight attendants, shouting profanities and spitting in the face of cabin crew. In addition to this recording, police are in the process of reviewing three other videos clips and said they will also look into whether Yim was on drugs. But police said when they handed over custody of Yim after he was restrained by cabin crew, they did not observe any needle marks on his arms. “In order to conduct a urine test, we would need the consent of the person in question,” a police official said.
There has been criticism over social media that Yim is another example of someone born with a silver spoon in his mouth, benefitting from his father’s wealth and seemingly above the law. “The victims have submitted their medical reports,” the police official said, “and after investigating Yim as a suspect, we will review whether to issue an arrest warrant for him.” Charges of assault can be punished by up to two years and fined up to 5 million won ($4,200). But charges of bodily harm can result in up to seven years in prison and a fine of 10 million won. Between 2012 and June, there were 1,506 reported cases of verbal and physical assault, harassment, smoking and other misdemeanors aboard aircraft, according to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. The number has steadily been increasing over the past four years, with 191 cases in 2012, 203 in 2013 and 354 in 2014. There was a 30 percent increase in misdemeanors on aircraft in 2015, bringing the number to 460 cases. And through June there were 298 cases. Last year, the most common form of misconduct was smoking inflight, with 381 reported cases. Fifteen were cases of sexual harassment, 42 were instances of rowdiness, nine were cases of disorderly behavior resulting from drinking and six included threatening behavior and assault.
Punishment has been light thus far. Incheon International Airport Police, for example, issued an arrest warrant for only one person for inflight misconduct in September 2014. Under Korean law, one can face up to five years in prison for obstruction of the duties of flight crew and violating aircraft safety laws. But most people get away with a fine of less than 5 million won. Last year, singer Bobby Kim was slapped with a 4 million won fine under Korean law for harassing a female flight attendant inflight. Kim, who said he had consumed six glasses of liquor, tried to embrace the flight attendant on a flight bound to San Francisco from Incheon.

'Study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글
Gangneung Ice Arena is ready to go and looking good (0) | 2016.12.26 |
Top diplomat defector will take a public role in the South (0) | 2016.12.23 |
Avian flu outbreak reaches Korea’s duck center (0) | 2016.12.22 |
Korean diplomat in Chile caught sexually harassing underage girls (0) | 2016.12.21 |
New electricity pricing goes into effect (0) | 2016.12.20 |
55 Brilliant Advertising Posters With High Impact

'Interesting > Impressive Advertisements' 카테고리의 다른 글
55 Brilliant Advertising Posters With High Impact (0) | 2016.12.26 |
55 Brilliant Advertising Posters With High Impact (0) | 2016.12.23 |
55 Brilliant Advertising Posters With High Impact (0) | 2016.12.22 |
55 Brilliant Advertising Posters With High Impact (0) | 2016.12.21 |
55 Brilliant Advertising Posters With High Impact (0) | 2016.12.20 |
위로 받으려 하지 말라
위로 받으려 하지 말라.
자기 연민은 마약과도 같다.
순간적인 위로를 줄지 모르나 중독성이 강해
결국 현실에서 괴리되고 만다.
- 존 가드너

'Interesting > Quote' 카테고리의 다른 글
확신 대신 의심을 선택하라 (0) | 2016.12.26 |
먼저 행동하면 생각이 따라 변한다 (0) | 2016.12.23 |
말은 몸속으로 들어온다 (0) | 2016.12.22 |
사업가와 장사꾼의 차이 (0) | 2016.12.21 |
힘들어야 위대해진다 (0) | 2016.12.20 |
やめる (辞める): 야메루 (그만두다)
会社(かいしゃ)を辞(や)めたい。: 회사를 그만두고 싶다.
辞(や)めるときは慎重(しんちょう)に。: 그만둘 때는 신중하게.
来月(らいげつ)辞(や)めるつもりだ。: 다음 달 그만 둘 생각이다.

'Study > Japanese' 카테고리의 다른 글
いたい (痛い): 이타이 (아프다) (0) | 2016.12.27 |
やく (焼く): 야쿠 (굽다) (0) | 2016.12.23 |
ゆるす (許す): 유루스 (용서하다) (0) | 2016.12.22 |
にらむ (睨む): 니라무 (쏘아보다 / 노려보다) (0) | 2016.12.21 |
たたかう (戦う): 타타카우 (싸우다) (0) | 2016.12.20 |
Gangneung Ice Arena is ready to go and looking good
The Gangneung Ice Arena opened in Gangwon on Wednesday with new improvements in safety, ensuring its readiness for the short track speed skating and figure skating events at the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics. Construction for the ice rink started in June 2014 and took two years and six months to complete. Coinciding with the grand opening, there will be an Olympic test event. Beginning from today, the fourth round of the 2016-17 International Skating Union (ISU) Short Track World Cup will begin.
The ISU Four Continents Figure Skating Championship will be held from Jan. 16 to 19. Prior to the Olympics, the configurations for the short track and figure skating events will both be optimized. The South Korean Men and Women’s Short Track Speed Skating Competition opened earlier at the Gangneung Ice Arena on Nov. 20 as a trial run. Even before the rink opened, praise poured in, especially for the 90-centimeter (35-inch) thick pliant safety fences that protect competitors should they bump into each other or tumble while rounding a corner. These are safer than the rigid fences at Taereung Ice Rink or Mokdong Ice Rink. Viktor Ahn, the Korean-born Russian short track gold medalist, crashed into a fence injuring his left knee while training at Taereung in 2008 and underwent a year of rehabilitation. But 10 or so athletes fell during the National Men and Women’s Short Track Speed Skating Competition at Gangneung Ice Arena and none suffered a major injury. “By virtue of the safer fence, a bolder race was possible,” said last season’s men’s short track representative, Park Ji-won. The cutting-edge facility is also the first Korean ice rink to maintain a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius (59 degrees Fahrenheit) in the stands.
Some athletes were even spotted wearing short-sleeved shirts at the speed skating competition. Three hundred vents warm the seats, leaving the ice untouched. This is especially impressive considering the temperatures at which the ice must be kept. The ice must be slighter warmer - minus 4 degrees Celsius (24.8 degrees Fahrenheit) - and therefore softer for figure skating, whereas colder - minus 7 degrees Celsius (19.4 degrees Fahrenheit) - and harder ice is better suited to short track, as it enhances speed. The challenge of going from one to the other was evident at the 2014 Sochi Olympics in Russia. During the women’s short track event at the Iceberg Skating Palace, Park Seung-hui fell twice in the 500m final. “The surface of the ice was pock-marked everywhere,” said Park. “The ice quality wasn’t good.” In the men’s single figure skating event, gold medalist Yuzuru Hanyu and silver medalist Patrick Chan also fell. The challenge comes because, after the figure skating matches conclude, the ice must be prepared in three hours for the short track events.
“It is difficult to change the ice quality in just a few hours,” said gold medalist Ko Gi-hyun, who is now the general facilities manager at Gangneung. “The ice for racing and performance events is different. The camera positions, fences and other things must be changed.” “To adjust the ice temperature, a day or more is necessary,” said Bae Ki-tae, technical director of ICE n SPORTS. “Unlike at Sochi, figure skating will be held in the morning with short track in the afternoon. Fortunately, it’s easier to freeze ice than to melt it.” To do this, three 150RT (refrigeration tonnage) coolers were installed. So far, however, the facility appears to be shipshape. According to Jin Seon-yoo, 3-time gold medalist at the 2006 Torino Winter Olympics, “The stadium suits the players needs down to the finest detail.”

'Study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글
Belligerent passenger ignores summons (0) | 2016.12.27 |
Top diplomat defector will take a public role in the South (0) | 2016.12.23 |
Avian flu outbreak reaches Korea’s duck center (0) | 2016.12.22 |
Korean diplomat in Chile caught sexually harassing underage girls (0) | 2016.12.21 |
New electricity pricing goes into effect (0) | 2016.12.20 |
55 Brilliant Advertising Posters With High Impact

'Interesting > Impressive Advertisements' 카테고리의 다른 글
55 Brilliant Advertising Posters With High Impact (0) | 2016.12.27 |
55 Brilliant Advertising Posters With High Impact (0) | 2016.12.23 |
55 Brilliant Advertising Posters With High Impact (0) | 2016.12.22 |
55 Brilliant Advertising Posters With High Impact (0) | 2016.12.21 |
55 Brilliant Advertising Posters With High Impact (0) | 2016.12.20 |
확신 대신 의심을 선택하라
의심은 새로운 아이디어들이 가득 찬 상자를 여는 열쇠다.
의심은 개인이 성장하는데
절대적으로 필요한 자극이다.
알지 못하기 때문에 질문을 던지고
실수와 실패를 거듭하는 것이다.
또 그것만이 배우며 성장하고, 발전하면서
앞으로 나아갈 수 있는
최선의 길이자 유일한 방법이다.
- 로드 주드킨스, ‘대체 불가능한 존재가 돼라’에서

'Interesting > Quote' 카테고리의 다른 글
위로 받으려 하지 말라 (0) | 2016.12.27 |
먼저 행동하면 생각이 따라 변한다 (0) | 2016.12.23 |
말은 몸속으로 들어온다 (0) | 2016.12.22 |
사업가와 장사꾼의 차이 (0) | 2016.12.21 |
힘들어야 위대해진다 (0) | 2016.12.20 |
예술가가 된 꼬마 아이들
그림은 잘 못그리지만 그림을 감상하거나 사진을 찍거나 디지털 편집을 좋아하는 사람중 한사람으로써 미술의 세계를 항상 동경해 왔던것 같다. 마음의 상처가 특히나 많은 현대인들의 심리 치료를 미술을 통해 시도하려는 일환으로 미술작품을 감상하는 방법이나 미술작품을 통해 삶을 더 여유롭고 풍요롭게 이끌어 주려는 책들도 많이 출간되고 있다. 예술작품들을 감상하는 책들을 보면 유명 화가가 그린 그림이나 조각품들을 감상할 수 있는데 이렇게 미술관련 서적들을 접하다 보면 자연스럽게 그 창작품을 만들어낸 예술가들에 대해서도 관심이 생기게 된다. 특별히 관심과 애정이 가는 예술가부터 워낙 유명하기에 알고 있는 예술가까지 그들의 삶을 책을 통해 접하다 보면 비범한 그들의 삶의 괴적에서 우리의 삶과의 많은 괴리감을 느끼게 될 것이다. 하지만 그들도 우리와 똑 같이 미숙했던 유년 시절을 보냈다는 사실에 주목하는 사람은 별로 없는 것 같다.
<예술가가 된 꼬마 아이들 KID ARTISTS>는 위인이라 일컫어 지는 예술가들의 어린 시절을 조망한 책으로 이 책을 읽는 아이들에게 위대한 예술가들도 그 아이들과 똑 같이 평범한 꼬마시절이 있었으며 각자 자신들의 예술적 영감을 어떻게 얻었고 또 어떤 시행착오와 노력을 통해 위대한 예술가의 반열에 오르게 됐는지를 알려주는 책이다. 단순히 어린 아이들을 위한 책이라고 치부하기에는 우리가 미쳐 알지 못했던 예술가들의 유년시절을 알아 볼 수 있기에 어른들에게도 유효한 책이라고 할 수 있겠다. 이 책은 프리다 칼로, 레오나르도 다빈치, 찰스 슐츠, 장 미셸 바스키아, 앤디 워홀, 파블로 피카소 등등 현대 미술에 큰 영향력을 끼친 예술가들 중 총 열일곱명을 뽑아 그들이 유년시절을 집중적으로 조명했다.
예술가들의 어린시절은 우리와 똑같이 평범했지만 그들은 하나같이 자연을 사랑하고 무엇인가에 골똘히 몰두할 줄 알며 때론 엉뚱하고 때론 재미있었던 것 같다. 이 책의 서두에도 써 있지만 모든 아이들이 훌륭한 화가나 예술가가 될 수 는 없지만 그 출발선에 서있는 아이들에게 사소한 일들은 놓치지 않고 재능을 발견하게 도와줄 수는 있어야 할 것이다. 예술가들이 그들의 유년 시절에 겪어야 했던 장애와 그 장애를 어떻게 극복했는지를 살펴보면 우리 아이들에게 어떤 도움을 줄 수 있는지 힌트를 찾을 수도 있을 것이다. 아마도 이 책은 그런 의도에서 씌여진 것이 아닐까?
이 책은 여러 예술가들의 유년기라는 신선한 주제와 더불어 우리가 몰랐던 그들의 내밀한 이야기 그리고 각 예술가들의 특성과 그들의 유년기를 잘 표현한 깔끔한 삽화까지 잘 어울리는 책이다. 그리고 무엇보다도 예술가들의 진짜 어린시절 이야기들을 접할 수 있어서 좋은 책이다.
'My Life > Book' 카테고리의 다른 글
알짜배기 창업법률 (0) | 2016.12.21 |
건강 중독의 시대, 강박과의 전쟁 (0) | 2016.12.20 |
For golfer Lydia Ko, a year-end filled with separation woes (0) | 2016.12.19 |
보고 듣는 EBS 어학 FM - EASY ENGLISH 12월호 (0) | 2016.12.16 |
남을 돕는 것이 자신을 돕는 것이다 (0) | 2016.12.16 |
やく (焼く): 야쿠 (굽다)
魚(さかな)を焼(や)いて。: 생선을 구워.
焼(や)き具合(ぐあい)によって味(あじ)が変(か)わる。: 구운 정도에 따라 맛이 달라진다.
焼(や)かないで、生(なま)で食(た)べましょう。: 굽지 말고, 날것으로 먹자.

'Study > Japanese' 카테고리의 다른 글
いたい (痛い): 이타이 (아프다) (0) | 2016.12.27 |
やめる (辞める): 야메루 (그만두다) (0) | 2016.12.26 |
ゆるす (許す): 유루스 (용서하다) (0) | 2016.12.22 |
にらむ (睨む): 니라무 (쏘아보다 / 노려보다) (0) | 2016.12.21 |
たたかう (戦う): 타타카우 (싸우다) (0) | 2016.12.20 |