Vietnam and the United States have a long history of war. It was only in 1995 when the formal normalization of diplomatic relations between the two countries was announced. Since then, the diplomatic relations between them have deepened. In fact, Vietnam is considered to be one of the pro-American countries in Southeast Asia today — a proof that relationships change no matter how permanent they seem to be.

As a part of a week-long trip to Asia, President Obama recently visited Vietnam. 41 years after the Vietnam War, the United States now wants to improve economic and security cooperation with it. New businesses, increased military cooperation, research programs between the countries’ universities, and cultural exchanges, which include the introduction of the U.S. Peace Corps in Vietnam, are some of the new changes to be expected from the cooperation between the former adversariesThe biggest mutualinvestment however, is the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal, if it were to be approved.

Obama’s visit is deemed a new chapter in the developing friendship between the two countries. In a speech that Obama delivered in Hanoi, he took the opportunity to emphasize the importance of human rights in the development of the communist nation. He also hoped for a new chapter in the U.S.-Vietnam relations as he formally closed the old chapter of war between the two countries. A part of this closure is Vietnam’s assistance in locating the remains of missing American soldiers. In return, Obama also promised to provide assistance in the removal of landmines and unexplodedartillery that remained after the war.

Probably the highlight of Obama’s visit is the lifting of the 32-year old U.S. embargo on sales of lethal weapons to its former enemy. He believes lifting the embargo removes the traces of the Cold War. However, with the ongoing maritime disputes involving China, Vietnam, and other countries, many people speculate that the decision is related to the United States’ promotion of the right tofreedom of navigation in the South China Sea. In fact, China expressed its concern over the U.S.’s lifting of arms embargo and its effect on the territorial disputes in the region. 

Nevertheless, Obama’s visit was generally received positively. Many Vietnamese locals were very pleased to see the growing partnership between their nation and the United States. They happily welcome any assistance coming from it. Some young Vietnamese were even excited to share photos of the American president on social media.

English started being used in Britain in the 5th century when three tribes from Germany (the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes) arrived in Britain. Since then, it has evolved from Old English to Middle English to Modern English. After that, many varieties of English have emerged due to numerous factors. The most common varieties are British English and American English. 

English has become a global lingua franca, which means it is a language used by people with different mother tongues. New words and even slangs get added in English dictionaries yearly. Examples of slangs that were recently added are “selfie” from the term self-portrait, “adorbs” which is short for adorable, and “hashtag” which used to be a social media jargon

The addition of slangs in English dictionaries has been met with conflicting reactions, especially from linguists. Some say that just like species, languages also get extinct. One of the ways for English to live on is for people to use and enhance it. Since English is no longer just a local dialect that is exclusive to one nation, English has to evolve alongside time and its current users.

Moreover, there are still countless words in other languages that have no direct translation in English. There will always be new technologies, experiences, and products that will call for new words to refer to them. The only way to remedy this is to make certain terms official English words, and they will have to include slangs.

Lastly, adopting slangs and words from other languages makes English richer. It breaks down barriers and promotes the inclusion of other cultures, thereby reducing cultural indifference. This is very useful in this age of globalization because it makes communication between cultures and nations easier than ever. 

Despite these reasonable points, some conservative linguists feel that adding slangs in English dictionaries is sabotage. They say that slangs do not help people, especially youngsters, communicate better with the rest of the world. 

Aside from linguists, other people feel strongly against adding slangs in English dictionaries because they feel that English is for formal settings while slangs are for casual settings. This is also the reason why people should have two languages — one for formal situations, which is English, and one for informal settings. 

Lastly, many linguists also feel that slangs make people inarticulate, less eloquent, and less intelligent. English is a prestigious language that has to be mastered like an art. Adding slangs to the language only corrupts it.

The role and purpose of education have changed over themillenniaAs societies strived to achieve social equality, education became more and more accessible. Education is now everyone’s right and no longer just a privilege.

However, due to the numerous changes and rapid developments that the world continues to go through, many people start to question the relevance of higher education in society today. Is it simply a means to gain access to financial security or a necessity for intellectual growth and development?

Those who say that going to college ensures financial stability emphasize the importance of getting a degree. Employment opportunities that are available to high school graduates are almost always very slim. They usually get confined in a lifetime of switching jobs, from one low-paying job to another. They need a lot of luck to change their living conditions.

Furthermore, a college degree can give a person a sure shot in landing a job that he or she is passionate about. It is a person’s ticket to achieving his or her dreams. Otherwise, it may be difficult for one’s dreams to translate into reality. This means that a college graduate who carries a diploma may be favored by employers over a high school graduate who has mere potentials.

Also, from a bigger perspective of how much the purpose of education has changed over the years, people no longer go to college to search for ways to improve human condition and elevate society. The world has changed so rapidly that students go to college to meet globalization’s workforce needs. 

On the other hand, higher education offers so much more than monetary rewards. Many people still say that it gives people access to a wider and deeper understanding not only of the society that they are a part of, but also of the world they live in.

Moreover, getting a degree is not just about enriching one’s material conditions but a way to elevate one’s mind and character.In fact, many people who are already financially stable still get higher education as a way to self-improve and self-actualizebecause secondary education teaches only the basics.

Lastly, education is not just about training and enhancing one’s skills for practical purposes and employment readiness. Education is needed by any society to produce not just money-making but more importantly, moral citizens. That is why it is an important institution that teaches not only theories and concepts but cultivates students to become highly developed humans who will contribute to a highly functioning and literate society.

'Study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글

Former Foe, Now a Friend  (0) 2016.06.21
Do Slangs Corrupt the English Language?  (0) 2016.06.20
Is mass media removing or intensifying gender stereotypes? Why do you say so?  (0) 2016.06.16
The Triumph of Indie Films  (0) 2016.06.15
The Antihero  (0) 2016.06.01

Gender stereotypes are deeply rooted in the history of mankind. Men are expected to be strong providers and protectors while women are expected to be submissive and conservative. The cliché “boys are central and girls are peripheral” is something that people has always unconsciously recognized, especially because this idea is encouraged by powerful features of the society like mass media.

The role of mass media in intensifying these stereotypes has been determined in the past. Television programs, radio broadcasts, Internet websites, and many more, use gender stereotypes to convey messages that target certain groups in a diverse audience. They are known to promote the hegemonic ideology that men are superior over women. However, these days, some say that with the modernization of mass media, this hegemonic culture has already been removed.

Although plenty perceive this to be true, I beg to disagree. I still believe that mass media continue to play a very significant role in intensifying gender stereotypes.

Commercials, TV shows, and movies still highlight the roles that men and women are supposed to portray, and sadly, people do not seem to realize that these forms of media are bombarding us withsubtle provocations that we should act according to what society would recognize as acceptable. Print ads, magazines, and other forms of mass media constantly remind us that men should always play the lead role and women remain on the sidelines.

Mass media showcasing gender roles would have been okay if they are presented in ways that empower every gender. For example, if a TV program shows that stay-at-home moms do not work because they want to be hands-on in raising their children, and not because it is what society expects them to do, then women would not feelbelittled. Also, superhero movies should not show that superheroes only rescue helpless and weak women. They should show that every member of society, regardless of gender, can be vulnerableand in need of the help of a superhero.

I know that gender stereotypes are difficult to dissolve and that mass media will continue giving specific designations to each gender. Therefore, gender stereotypes should just be presented positively in ways that are not derogatory and discriminating.

'Study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글

Do Slangs Corrupt the English Language?  (0) 2016.06.20
The Role of Higher Education  (0) 2016.06.17
The Triumph of Indie Films  (0) 2016.06.15
The Antihero  (0) 2016.06.01
Corporate Social Responsibility  (0) 2016.05.30

The Triumph of Indie Films

Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor and businessman who had great influence around the world because of his inventions. The light bulb is probably his most known creation. However, he also greatly influenced the growth of the motion picture industry. He established the Motion Picture Patents Company (MPPC), also known as the Edison Trust, which dominated the production and distribution of films in the American film industry in early 1900s. The Edison Trust also inadvertentlygave birth to independent film or independent cinema as a result of the monopoly of the MPPC. Filmmakers who declined to join or were refused membership were referred to as “independent.” 

Independent films, also referred to as “indie films,” are distributed by independent entertainment agencies. Today, the film industry in many countries is still dominated by major film studios. Currently, however, independent films have been on their most rapid rise. Not only have they engrossed a wide range of audiences but also attracted aspiring filmmakers who are at a loss against the overwhelming competition in the film industry. Because of the independent film revolution, aspiring talents, writers, and filmmakers no longer need the patronage of major film studios for their work to be recognized.

Independent films are usually characterized by their content, style, and filmmakers’ execution of their artistic vision. They usually focus less on the commercial side of filmmaking and concentrate more on the characters and storylines. In fact, indie films usually become entries in international film festivals such as South Korea’s Jeonju International Film Festival. 

Many passionate filmmakers choose the indie film route because of the advantages it holds over mainstream films. For one, filmmakers have freedom of creativity. They do not need to sacrifice the content just to gratify an audience and make it to the box office.Moreover, independent filmmakers often think outside the box. They work hard to produce fresh, creative, original, and unpredictable contents that set their films apart from mainstream productions. Many famous actors and actresses who already established their names in the industry are even eager to play indie film characters. In addition, many celebrities got famous by debuting in indie films. 

Indie films have raised the bar in filmmaking. Their mark in the entertainment industry is not only an inspiration to amateur artists but also a force that rivals and challenges the produce of commercial films. This healthy competition between mainstream and indie films only leads to one thing: high-caliber films that audiences can enjoy.

The Antihero

Study/English 2016. 6. 1. 09:50

The Antihero

An antihero or antiheroine is a story’s main character, also known as protagonist, who has characteristics that show great contrast to the characteristics of a traditional hero or heroine. Heroes display characters such as honor, bravery, strength, and self-sacrifice. On the other hand, antiheroes often share the same qualities that villains or bad guys have. However, although antiheroes may use questionable means to achieve their goals, they are generally fighting for some greater good.

Gone are the days when viewers and readers could easily identify who the protagonist of a story is because heroes are usuallytypecast with favorable and flawless qualities. The moment a protagonist and a villain are clearly identified in a story, the outcome could easily be predicted. The good guy defeats the bad guy. However, through time, the tastes of viewers and readers also evolve. The good guy-bad guy formula of storytelling no longer works. As different genres of stories continue to evolve, audiences have also transformed into consumers who are not just looking for mere entertainment. Audiences have become intellectual consumers who are entertained by thinking and guessing. 

Korean film or television is no longer stranger to antiheroes because Korean dramas are highly adaptive to many different genres. A perfect example of antihero is Lee Min-ho’s character as Lee Yoon-sung in the hit drama, “City Hunter.” He does not exactly display the traits of a hero, but he is the protagonist of the story. He used unconventional and sometimes violent methods to save innocent people and expose corrupt officials. “The Innocent Man” is another story that featured an antihero. It has a theme of betrayal and revenge. 

For the reasons mentioned above, antiheroes have become increasingly engaging over the years. Audiences look for stories that have complex characters that make them think, probably because they are looking for flawed characters they could identify with. Who, better than antiheroes, demonstrates the frailties of humanity? Antiheroes sometimes rise above heroes as reminders that humans are inherently weak, flawed, and imperfect, and yet, they could accomplish great things. That is what makes them so much more interesting. Let’s face it. Heroes are sometimes dull and boring because they are too perfect. They become less and less engaging because there is no element of surprise about how their story ends. With antiheroes, one would not be able to tell what they will do next and how their stories would unfold.

[YES24] The Antihero

Corporate Social Responsibility

A company’s mission and vision, prestige, financial security, andreputation are no longer the only criteria that make a company stand out. Corporate social responsibility or CSR, also sometimes referred to as corporate conscience, is a model that ensures a company operates in adherence to legal, ethical, or safety standards as they engage in business. 

There are many different ways and levels by which a company could incorporate CSR into its operation but to a certain extent, it involves going beyond what is required and expected by the law. CSR encompasses a sense of duty to the society that goes beyond the business goals of a company. CSR aims make a positive social impact while engaging in business. One of the most common strategies to promote CSR is environmental consciousness. 

Many companies have adopted CSR for several reasons that are perceived to be contributors to a company’s long-term existence. From the human resource perspective, the model facilitates recruitment and reduces attritionCSR helps project a good image to its employees. Since manpower is important in carrying out socio-civic activities like charities and fundraising activities, CSR helps attract employee involvement and participation. 

From the perspective of risk management, CSR helps a company maintain a reputation that takes years to establish. Accidents and scandals are notorious in destroying a company’s reputation instantaneously the moment that they are broadcasted on the news and social media. 

From a business standpoint, CSR is a good method for brand differentiation. Brand differentiation is what makes a company different from the rest. Many companies use CSR to position themselves in the market by attracting consumers through the use of their social contributions.

One way to evaluate the effectiveness of a company’s CSR is the “triple bottom line” criteria: people, planet, and profit. “People” deals with how companies treat their employees, the community, and the area or region where the business operates. “Planet” deals with practices of sustaining the environment as a company operates. “Profit” is the income made after all costs or liabilities including the cost of the capital have been deducted. Many companies have used these criteria to be more aware of their social and moral obligations.

Some prominent companies that have incorporated CSR with their business models are Google, Starbucks, and The Body Shop.Although many companies see the value in investing in a sound CSR model, Corporate Social Responsibility still continues to bescrutinized by critics. Some people feel that from a social advocacy, companies have taken advantage of CSR merely as a business strategy to make more profit, while others say that CSR gets in the way of economic prosperity. Nevertheless, companies and businesses still choose the route of adopting CSR.

'Study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글

The Triumph of Indie Films  (0) 2016.06.15
The Antihero  (0) 2016.06.01
Tax Hike in the Spirit of Shared Sacrifice  (0) 2016.04.26
English Expression Dictionary  (0) 2016.04.26
Elective Caesarian Sections  (0) 2016.04.25

Tax Hike in the Spirit of Shared Sacrifice

New York City is the home of some of the world’s wealthiest people.In fact, it could rank as the 15th largest economy in the world, if it were an independent nation. However, poverty is also an ongoing problem in New York, as it is in any other state or nation. New York is a classic representation of a society that is divided by the rich and the poor. Nevertheless, New York can be considered a model society where the rich and the poor work together to eradicate poverty. 

New York state millionaires hope to help create new jobs and reduce severe income inequality in the state. They express withurgency that now is the right time to invest in human and physicalinfrastructures that would pave the way for New York state citizens to rise above poverty. These investments will focus on childhood to higher education and physical infrastructures that need attention such as bridges, tunnels, waterlines, public buildings, and roads. 

In a letter addressed to Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo and New York state lawmakers, the millionaires asked for their taxes to be increased to fund the investments that would eventually put an end to poverty. 

Being on top of the income earners, the signatories and backers of the letter feel that they have a bigger responsibility to contribute to the public sector at a higher marginal tax rate than everyone else’s. They are deeply concerned by the state’s ailing infrastructure and by fellow New Yorkers who are struggling economically. Among theprominent names that belong to the signatories are Steven Rockefeller and Abigail Disney. 

Further stated in the letter, the millionaires call for a balanced and permanent solution to include upper-income New Yorkers who make $665,000 to $100M. This proposal was made to replace a temporary millionaires’ tax which will expire in 2017. However, New York state senate president John Flanagan, who is a Republican, is in opposition of the proposal. He said he is not in favor of digging deeper into the pockets of hard-working New Yorkers whether in the form of increasing income taxes, property taxes, business taxes, user fees or tolls. Other millionaires expressed their support for the tax proposal, but they wish to review it more in detail.

'Study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글

The Antihero  (0) 2016.06.01
Corporate Social Responsibility  (0) 2016.05.30
English Expression Dictionary  (0) 2016.04.26
Elective Caesarian Sections  (0) 2016.04.25
English Expression Dictionary  (0) 2016.04.25

48. 변명하다, 핑계대다.

Everytime I ask the boss about a raise, he gives me the runaround.

'Study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글

Corporate Social Responsibility  (0) 2016.05.30
Tax Hike in the Spirit of Shared Sacrifice  (0) 2016.04.26
Elective Caesarian Sections  (0) 2016.04.25
English Expression Dictionary  (0) 2016.04.25
Monitoring Employees’ Use of SNS during Work Hours  (0) 2016.04.22

Elective Caesarian Sections

Studies reveal that in the past decade the number of Caesarian sections or the surgical method of delivering a child, doubled. More than half of these Caesarian sections had medical indications while the rest were elective Caesarian sections where the surgical delivery is done because of themother’s request.

Getting elective Caesarian sections is not a new practice among mothers however, it is still not widely accepted by the society because it goes against natural childbirth and the laws of medicine. It is known by many that a child should be delivered vaginally and if that is not possible, that is only when a Caesarian section will be considered. Elective Caesarian sections do not follow this circumstance.

Supporters of elective Caesarian sections say that since the mother is the one who undergoes the difficult process of childbirth, it is just right to give her the option to choose how she wishes to deliver her child. Elective Caesarian sections allow mothers to have lower levels of anxiety and discomfort because they do not have to go through the whole process of labor and normal childbirth.

Some mothers also say that they are well prepared for the arrival of their child because they have prescheduled the date of the operation. Mothers can properly process their maternity leaves and they can prepare everything the baby needs upon coming home.Other family members may also be made aware of the expected date of delivery.

Medical experts also have different opinions about elective Caesarian sections. Some obstetricians who support this kind of child delivery say that elective Caesarian sections reduce the risk oftrauma, oxygen deprivation and fetal death because the child delivery is well controlled by a trained medical team.

On the other hand, obstetricians who oppose say that elective Caesarian sections cause more trauma to the mother as compared to normal child deliveries. Because of this, mothers need to stay longer in the hospital for treatment and the recovery time from the whole delivery process takes longer.

There are also those who say that they oppose elective Caesarian sections because they are usually performed before the child is 39 weeks old. When the child is delivered sooner than recommended, the child is more at risk of acquiring respiratory diseases, certain kinds of infections and allergies. Others add that elective Caesarian sections are far more expensive than normal child deliveries and they are usually not covered by insurance plans.

Childbirth is a process that may bring a whirlwind of emotions and experiences to mothers. Deciding to get an elective Caesarian section is not totally discouraged and it is also not highly recommended. It is up to the mothers to decide what is best for them and their babies.

'Study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글

Tax Hike in the Spirit of Shared Sacrifice  (0) 2016.04.26
English Expression Dictionary  (0) 2016.04.26
English Expression Dictionary  (0) 2016.04.25
Monitoring Employees’ Use of SNS during Work Hours  (0) 2016.04.22
English Expression Dictionary  (0) 2016.04.22