English Expression Dictionary
42. 틀어박혀 있다.
A : Why are you cooped up in the house on a nice day like this? Come on, let's go bowling.
B : Oh, great. You made my day.

'Study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.04.19 |
A Gluten-free Diet (0) | 2016.04.18 |
Twin Terrorist Attacks Put Belgium in Mourning (0) | 2016.04.15 |
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.04.15 |
War Concepts and Strategies (0) | 2016.04.14 |
Twin Terrorist Attacks Put Belgium in Mourning
Twin Terrorist Attacks Put Belgium in Mourning
On March 22, two bombings that were an hour apart hit Brussels, the capital of Belgium. Not only is Belgium a European capital but also the hub of the European Union and NATO headquarters. The first attack occurred at the Zaventem airport, killing 11 people. Authorities suspected that suicide bombers were behind it.
Shortly after the attacks, police identified three suspects who were caught on a CCTV camera at the Zaventem airport. Belgian police have identified the first suspect as Najim Laachraoui, whom they believe was a key player in the Paris attacks. His DNA was found in two houses used by the Paris bombers in November. Laachraoui and another suspect got killed by the bombing. The third one is unidentified and still on the loose. An hour after the attack, another suspected suicide bomber blew himself up in a metro train center in Brussels, killing 11 people.
ISIS claimed credit for the Brussels attacks and a connection between the Paris attacks and the Brussels bombings is clearly emerging. Recognizing the three men on the CCTV footage, a cab driver notified Belgian authorities and provided them the address where he picked them up. When investigators reached the place, they found a nail bomb, chemical products, and an ISIS flag.Belgian police has identified a suspect named Najim Laachraoui, whom they believe is a key player in the Paris attacks. His DNA was found in two houses used by the Paris bombers in November. Belgian media speculate that he could be the third man on the airport footage, but no confirmations have been released.
Salah Abdeslam, who knew Laachraou, is another suspect in the Paris attacks, fled back to Belgium after the attack in November and managed to escape the police until March 18 when he got caught in Molenbeek. An accomplice living with him was shot dead. It is likely that more attacks were already being planned, but they wereexpedited as the hunt for the Paris terrorists continues. Some consider the Brussels bombing an act of revenge. Another contributing factor is Belgium’s inefficient security services that made Brussels vulnerable.
Many Islamist cells are lodged in Belgium, but they are most active in the southwestern suburb of Molenbeek, where bombers from the Paris attacks have been living. Islamist groups have been persuading many Belgian citizens to fight for ISIS, making Belgium Europe’s breeding ground for jihadists. For these reasons, the country is a high-profile target for Islamists.
In the aftermath of the attack, people experienced massive interruptions in communication and transportation. People have been advised against traveling and going to crowded places. Belgium’s terror threat level has now been raised to four. The country has been placed under three days of mourning after the attack.
'Study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글
A Gluten-free Diet (0) | 2016.04.18 |
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.04.18 |
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.04.15 |
War Concepts and Strategies (0) | 2016.04.14 |
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.04.14 |
English Expression Dictionary
41. 그런 곳에는 가고 싶지 않아!
Politics is not my cup of tea. I'm not cut out for that kind of stuff. I wouldn't be caught dead in politics..

'Study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.04.18 |
Twin Terrorist Attacks Put Belgium in Mourning (0) | 2016.04.15 |
War Concepts and Strategies (0) | 2016.04.14 |
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.04.14 |
American Students Headed to Germany (0) | 2016.04.12 |
War Concepts and Strategies
War Concepts and Strategies
Mankind has witnessed so many wars throughout history. So many people, including combatants, have lost their lives in those wars. The destructiveness of war has made it an important factor in defining the relationship between nations and has become a subject in studying world politics and security strategy.
The concepts of massive retaliation and limited war, preemptiveand preventive war, and flexible response were discussed when nuclear strategy was an important factor in the United States-Soviet relationship.
Massive retaliation was defined as making a potential aggressorfeel, in no doubt, that it would suffer damages, outweighing any possible gains from the aggression. One example is when the U.S. made sure that the Soviets would not even think of attacking the Western Europe by making them believe that the price they would pay for such a provocative action would indeed be great.
The limited war concept came from Captain Basil Liddell Hart. He insisted that total war with indiscriminate means that can lead to horrible devastation is undesirable. Rather, it should be conducted in a more controlled manner that would not cause huge devastation and inflict too much suffering. Naturally, he stood against nuclear warfare especially after the bombing of Hiroshima. It could be said that he tried to impose humane aspects into warfare, thereby inviting criticism.
Preventive and preemptive wars, which were explained as forms of defensive use of force, were also mentioned in relation to nuclear strategy regarding Soviet Union.
Preemptive war happens when war is believed to be imminent. Like when Israel attacked Egypt in June 1967 and when the U.S. attacked Iraq in 2003, it happens when a state believes that there is an evident threat to itself and the timing is a matter of now or never.
Preventive war happens when it is better to go to war sooner rather than later. An example is Germany’s decision-making process in 1914. They believed that it was the right time to go to war against Russia before the Russians get too strong by 1916.
In relevance to the U.S.-Soviet relations, preemptive war was linked with imminent and specific Soviet threat, while preventive war was linked with the U.S. which had absolute superiority over Soviet nuclear power; bearing in mind that it would be better to strike first when the U.S. enjoyed monopoly, rather than wait with a risk of losing power afterwards.
Lastly, with the concept of massive retaliation severely criticized in Europe, NATO adopted the strategy of flexible response in 1967. It sought balance of conventional and nuclear means, and laid emphasis on deterring aggression with forward defense.

'Study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글
Twin Terrorist Attacks Put Belgium in Mourning (0) | 2016.04.15 |
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.04.15 |
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.04.14 |
American Students Headed to Germany (0) | 2016.04.12 |
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.04.12 |
English Expression Dictionary
40. 거치적거리다.
A : I envy you, Mrs. Brown. You stay home all the time.
B : House making is not an easy job. I have three small children getting underfoot all the time.

'Study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.04.15 |
War Concepts and Strategies (0) | 2016.04.14 |
American Students Headed to Germany (0) | 2016.04.12 |
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.04.12 |
Does the Internet Encourage Democracy? (0) | 2016.04.11 |
American Students Headed to Germany
American Students Headed to Germany
The U.S. is not only considered a superpower but also the leading nation among developed countries with advanced technology, industry, economy, and military strength.
Aside from these, America is also considered to possess “soft power” – the ability to attract or persuade others in the fields of economics and culture. This is a concept is considered by some political scientists to be a feature of the U.S. Education is one significant factor that comprises the U.S.’s soft power, causing international students to choose to study in their prestigious universities like Ivy League schools and other educational institutions.
Despite the advanced environment for higher education, many students face difficulties with high tuition fees. According to a report by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the United States ranks the highest in terms of education cost. Students resort to student loans because of the high tuition that they have to pay to get their degrees for their careers. Consequently, American students are buried in debt even before they advance into society.
The heavy financial burden has become a serious concern for many American students. This has increased the number of students who cross the Atlantic Ocean to study in Europe.
Germany is especially becoming a popular destination for American students. According to reports, about 10,000 American students are studying in German universities. In the past three decades, tuition fees in the U.S. have increased five times. This mainly contributed to the surge of American students in Germany.
The biggest advantage of students from other countries studying in German universities is free tuition. Studying in Germany is ideal because it does not cost much. Students can concentrate on their studies without feeling much pressure to get part-time jobs.
Various classes in German universities are taught in English, making it favorable to foreign students. The purpose of this government policy is to lure more students and to produce more highly educated manpower for the society. Hence, German universities invest more in globalization and internationalcompetitiveness.
High tuition fee is currently one of the most serious concerns for the American society and its young talents, making it among the hottest issues of the upcoming U.S. presidential election. Under suchcircumstance, the number of students who consider studying in Germany may continue to increase.
'Study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글
War Concepts and Strategies (0) | 2016.04.14 |
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.04.14 |
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.04.12 |
Does the Internet Encourage Democracy? (0) | 2016.04.11 |
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.04.11 |
English Expression Dictionary
39. 이쪽으로 오실래요?/제가 그리 갈까요?
If it's not inconvenient for you, could you come my way?
If it's convenient for you, I can come your way.
A : Would you com my way or shall I come your way?
B : I'll stop by your office around at 11 o'clock
'Study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.04.14 |
American Students Headed to Germany (0) | 2016.04.12 |
Does the Internet Encourage Democracy? (0) | 2016.04.11 |
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.04.11 |
Raising the Mandatory Retirement Age (0) | 2016.04.08 |
Does the Internet Encourage Democracy?
Does the Internet Encourage Democracy?
The Internet serves a lot of purposes to everyone who has access to it. Information can be read, created, and spread by anyone who is connected to the Internet. That is why its role in the promotion of democracy cannot be overlooked. Without a doubt, the Internet is a powerful agent of change. However, contrasting to all the undeniable benefits that it gives, many people also see its equal potential to do harm particularly in democracy.
Those who claim that the Internet encourages democracy say that it allows fighters for democracy to connect with people who are victims of a repressive system. With the help of Internet these days, people can share their grievances on social media. They will know that they are not alone. Using social media to expose oppression not only empowers the repressed but also heightens awareness among the public.
Moreover, the Internet can become a portal for the public to express opinion and criticism to their government leaders. Government leaders will be able to address the people? issues more effectively. The government can take proper action by listening to the concerns of the people.
Finally, they add that the Internet is a medium for free flowing information between nations. Other countries that are more democratic can arouse residents of countries that are under a repressive regime. The repressed can feel empowered to demand a just government.
Those who object say that unfortunately, not all countries have access to free flowing information. Many countries use the Internet to promote submission to the government. The Internet is actuallycensored by many countries in the world. In fact, some countries have deliberately blocked Google to remove materials that people could use to fight for democracy.
Furthermore, the Internet is not always used for ideal purposes like promoting democracy. It can also be used against the public.People who exercise their freedom of speech through the Internet can get in trouble because the government uses the Internet as a form of surveillance.
Lastly, they assert that the Internet is not used by everyone to spread factual information that will open the eyes of the public. Many people also use the Internet to spread different propagandasthat aim to manipulate people. People are fed certain information from selected sources that are one-sided. Information on the Internet, although countless, is not always free from bias.
'Study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글
American Students Headed to Germany (0) | 2016.04.12 |
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.04.12 |
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.04.11 |
Raising the Mandatory Retirement Age (0) | 2016.04.08 |
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.04.08 |
English Expression Dictionary
38. 떨어져 있다.
Stay clear of the gate of the elevator.
Steer clear of Jane, she is a troublemaker.
She is in a bad mood, so I'd steer well clear if I were you.
'Study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.04.12 |
Does the Internet Encourage Democracy? (0) | 2016.04.11 |
Raising the Mandatory Retirement Age (0) | 2016.04.08 |
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.04.08 |
Telecommuting (0) | 2016.04.07 |
Raising the Mandatory Retirement Age
Raising the Mandatory Retirement Age
It is predicted that by the year 2050, one-third of the Korean population will be comprised by people over the age of 65. Along with this, half of the country’s workforce will be over 50 years of age. Korea’s aging population may have a big impact on the country’s labor force in the coming decades, and an amendment that requires employers to guarantee employment up to the age of 60 was made.
Many are pleased by the change. They anticipate its full-blownimplementation in 2017. However, some say that retiring at 60 is still too early. They want the age limit to be raised to 65 or higher.
These people emphasize that the average life expectancy of Koreans is around 81 to 82 years old. If the mandatory retirement age is set at 60 years old, what would happen to people who live for 20 more years? Where would they get monetary support? It would surely be difficult for them to find another job considering that all companies are required to follow the 60-year-old age limit.
Having a mandatory retirement age without more specific plans for retirees makes the amendment insufficient. The mandatory age of 60 would have been acceptable if giving more subsidies or pensions for retirees were also concretized.
They add that an employee’s retirement should not be based on his or her age but on one’s ability to perform well for a company. If a person is still able to do his or her job well at the age of 75, then he or she should be allowed to continue working.
On the other hand, supporters of the 60-year-old age limit say that a high life expectancy rate doesn’t necessarily indicate that the entire population is fit to work until they are over 70 or 80 years old. The mandatory retirement age should not be based on a country’s life expectancy rate.
Moreover, studies reveal that early retirement can relieve people from work-related stress, helping them improve their mental and physical health. They also become mobile as they are no longer tied up with any work-related commitment. They are able to relax and unwind, which are highly recommended for their advancing age.
For some people, setting the mandatory retirement age at 60 years old is acceptable because people should not dedicate their entire lives to their jobs. They say that after the age of 60, they should just enjoy the fruits of their labor or maybe find new hobbies and interests.
'Study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글
Does the Internet Encourage Democracy? (0) | 2016.04.11 |
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.04.11 |
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.04.08 |
Telecommuting (0) | 2016.04.07 |
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.04.07 |