Elective Caesarian Sections

Studies reveal that in the past decade the number of Caesarian sections or the surgical method of delivering a child, doubled. More than half of these Caesarian sections had medical indications while the rest were elective Caesarian sections where the surgical delivery is done because of themother’s request.

Getting elective Caesarian sections is not a new practice among mothers however, it is still not widely accepted by the society because it goes against natural childbirth and the laws of medicine. It is known by many that a child should be delivered vaginally and if that is not possible, that is only when a Caesarian section will be considered. Elective Caesarian sections do not follow this circumstance.

Supporters of elective Caesarian sections say that since the mother is the one who undergoes the difficult process of childbirth, it is just right to give her the option to choose how she wishes to deliver her child. Elective Caesarian sections allow mothers to have lower levels of anxiety and discomfort because they do not have to go through the whole process of labor and normal childbirth.

Some mothers also say that they are well prepared for the arrival of their child because they have prescheduled the date of the operation. Mothers can properly process their maternity leaves and they can prepare everything the baby needs upon coming home.Other family members may also be made aware of the expected date of delivery.

Medical experts also have different opinions about elective Caesarian sections. Some obstetricians who support this kind of child delivery say that elective Caesarian sections reduce the risk oftrauma, oxygen deprivation and fetal death because the child delivery is well controlled by a trained medical team.

On the other hand, obstetricians who oppose say that elective Caesarian sections cause more trauma to the mother as compared to normal child deliveries. Because of this, mothers need to stay longer in the hospital for treatment and the recovery time from the whole delivery process takes longer.

There are also those who say that they oppose elective Caesarian sections because they are usually performed before the child is 39 weeks old. When the child is delivered sooner than recommended, the child is more at risk of acquiring respiratory diseases, certain kinds of infections and allergies. Others add that elective Caesarian sections are far more expensive than normal child deliveries and they are usually not covered by insurance plans.

Childbirth is a process that may bring a whirlwind of emotions and experiences to mothers. Deciding to get an elective Caesarian section is not totally discouraged and it is also not highly recommended. It is up to the mothers to decide what is best for them and their babies.

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