Abolishing TV Licenses
Abolishing TV Licenses
There are only four countries in Asia that require television licenses ― South Korea, Israel, Pakistan and Japan. In South Korea, people are charged 2,500 won every month by the Korea Electric Power Corporation for them to be able to watch shows from Korean Broadcasting System and Educational Broadcasting System.
Since the license fee is different from the monthly subscription charges for cable TV, some say that Koreans and people from other countries that require TV licenses pay too much just to use their TVs. They are calling for the abolishment of TV licenses.
Those who agree to the abolishment say that funding of public TV channels should come from product advertisements and not from the people. Just like private TV channels, commercials and other forms of promotion through the media should be the means of getting income.
Supporters also say that public TV channels are supposed to be under the government so their services should be covered by taxpayers’ money. Just like healthcare, education and road restoration, the government should also allot money for public TV channels as they bring pertinent information and entertainment to people.
Lastly, TV licenses do not coincide with advancements in technology. There are now satellites and digital devices that allow people to watch any show whenever and wherever they want. Charging people monthly fees just so they can watch TV shows from public channels is no longer necessary in the 21st century.
Those who disagree say that TV licenses only ask for minimal amounts and the money collected goes to the improvement of public TV channels. The license fee is collected for the purpose of funding public broadcasting, and only uses funding from radio and television advertisements as supplements.
They also say that TV licenses are not mandatory. Those who do not own TVs or do not wish to be part of the services provided by public TV channels can just inform the collecting company and they won’t be charge of monthly fees.
Opponents of the abolishment believe that if TV licenses will be stopped, the quality of shows produced by public TV channels willdegrade. It is hard enough for these public channels to compete with bigger broadcasting companies and taking TV licenses away will only make matters worse.
Watching TV is one of the common pastime activities done by people. Being able to comfortably watch TV and being offered good quality shows are important for many so the abolishment of the TV license must be taken into careful consideration
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English Expression Dictionary
2. 폐가 되다
You are being imposed upon, and it will continue until you take a firm stand.
A : It's really freezing outside. Let me give you a ride.
B : No, you're not even going in the same direction. It's too much of an imposition to ask you.
A : No, I insist.
A : I must be running now.
B : Already? Stay for dinner, please.
A : Well, if it's not too much bother, I will.
B : No, it's not.
'Study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.02.16 |
Abolishing TV Licenses (0) | 2016.02.15 |
The Multi-Billion Dollar Coffee Industry (0) | 2016.02.12 |
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.02.12 |
Among (0) | 2016.02.05 |
The Multi-Billion Dollar Coffee Industry
A true coffee aficionado would be very familiar with the words Arabica and Robusta. These are kinds of coffee beans that contribute to the 100-billion-dollar coffee industry. The boom in the coffee industry started in the 20th century when more countries cultivated coffee as the worldwide demand increased. The intense competition towards the production of the best coffee in the market made every country strive to yield the perfect coffee bean. The challenge is carried on to this day as big companies like Tim Horton’s and Starbucks continue with the venture.
Coffee in its natural state has a distinct bitter taste and soothing aroma. It may be mixed with sweeteners and creamers but the taste of coffee remains. Studies suggest that the aroma from freshly brewed coffee can shove sleep away, trigger good memories and stimulate brain function. Despite having caffeine, a highly addictive substance, drinking coffee has its favorable effects, making coffee production a money generating industry.
Another reason for the boom in the coffee business may be due to the health benefits that result from drinking coffee. Some experts claim that coffee can boost one’s metabolic rate hence helping in weight loss. Coffee is also said to increase adrenaline levels in the body allowing people to be physically stronger. Others say coffee decreases the risk of acquiring certain kinds of diseases like diabetes, liver cirrhosis, dementia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.
The social impact of coffee also contributes to its continued success in the market. Drinking coffee in a regular household is believed to create a closer bond among couples and families. At work, it serves an ice breaker. One thing that some employees look forward to as they finish assigned tasks is a cup of hot coffee. It keeps employees from the graveyard shift up and about as they try to function against their normal circadian rhythm. Coffee facilitates socialization and helps people function with ease. It is a wonderful addition to people’s lives.
Coffee may remain ubiquitous among people for a long period of time. Statistics show that coffee has dug itself deep into people’s modern day culture that it is now part of everyday life.Coffeehouses and cafés are popping up like mushrooms everywhere. Coffee parties are held all over, as if having them is a way for people to celebrate the wonders of coffee. Movies, television shows and also fictional books highlight the coffee culture. Due to coffee’s high impact in the society, it ranks second to crude oil as the most internationally traded product. Coffee had humble beginnings but its spectacular traits brought it to every breakfast buffet.
'Study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글
Abolishing TV Licenses (0) | 2016.02.15 |
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.02.15 |
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.02.12 |
Among (0) | 2016.02.05 |
Seldom (0) | 2016.02.05 |
English Expression Dictionary
1. 초면인 것 같은데요.
I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting you.
A : I don't believe I've had the pleasure. I'm Dick Wilson.
B : How do you do, Mr.Wilson? I'm Mary Smith.
'Study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.02.15 |
The Multi-Billion Dollar Coffee Industry (0) | 2016.02.12 |
Among (0) | 2016.02.05 |
Seldom (0) | 2016.02.05 |
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A: 池(いけ)田(だ)さんは好(す)きな人(ひと) いるんですか。
B: 前(まえ)にここで働(はたら)いてた女(おんな)の子(こ)が好(す)きでした。
A: 아케다 씨는 좋아하는 사람 있어요?
B: 전에 여기서 일하던 여자 아이를 좋아했었어요.
못 했지만요.
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<TOEIC Part 5>
Among the most notable changes in our marketing strategy is our renewed focus on customer satisfaction.
(A) Also (B) Among (C) Apparently (D) Almost
(우리의 새로워진 고객 만족에 대한 초점이 우리 마케팅 전략에서의 눈에 띄는 변화들 중 하나이다.)
notable 눈에 띄는 / marketing strategy 마케팅 전략 / renewed 새로워진
focus 초점, 집중 / satisfaction 만족
전치사구가 원래 보어인 경우 강조를 받기 위해 앞으로 이동했다면 be 동사와 주어가 도치가 된다. (예: Tom is among my best friends. = Among my best friends is Tom) 이 문제에서도 changes와 is가 수일치가 되어 있지 않은 것으로 보아 is의 주어는 뒤에 있는 focus라는 것을 알 수 있다. 따라서 전치사구 문두로 이동했음을 알 수 있다. 정답은 전치사인 (B)이다.
'Study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글
The Multi-Billion Dollar Coffee Industry (0) | 2016.02.12 |
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.02.12 |
Seldom (0) | 2016.02.05 |
we’ll have to postpone the company outing (0) | 2016.02.04 |
last (0) | 2016.02.04 |
<TOEIC Part 5>
Seldom have the market conditions been more ideal for buying a new house.
(A) Even (B) There (C) Seldom (D) Those
(새 집을 구매하기에 부동산 시장 상태가 지금보다 더 좋은 경우는 거의 없었다.)
Market conditions 시장 조건, 시장의 분위기나 상태 /
ideal 이상적인, 최상의 / seldom 거의 ~않는
부정어나 보어가 문두로 이동하면 주어와 동사(be 동사, 조동사 또는 have 동사)가 순서를 바꾸는 도치 현상이 발생한다 그러므로 도치가 되어 있다면 의문문인 경우 if가 생략된 조건절인 경우, 부정적 표현이나 보어가 문두로 강조되기 위해 이동한 경우, 부사 so 또는 접속사 as가 사용되어 앞의 내용과 뒤의 내용이 마찬가지임을 나타내는 경우이어야 한다. (예: Sam liked the play as did his wife.) 이 문제에서는 have와 the market conditions가 도치되어 있는데, 도치가 일어나는 경우 중 부정적 표현이 문두로 강조되기 위해 이동한 경우이다. 따라서 (C) seldom이 정답이다.
'Study > English' 카테고리의 다른 글
English Expression Dictionary (0) | 2016.02.12 |
Among (0) | 2016.02.05 |
we’ll have to postpone the company outing (0) | 2016.02.04 |
last (0) | 2016.02.04 |
take (0) | 2016.02.04 |
we’ll have to postpone the company outing
A: If this rain keeps up, we’ll have to postpone the company outing.
B: But it’s impossible to postpone it.
A: How about moving the event indoors.
B: That’s a good idea! Please give the caterers a call.
A: 이렇게 계속 비가 온다면, 회사 야유회를 연기해야 할 것 같은데요.
B: 그렇지만 연기하는 것은 불가능해요.
A: 이벤트를 실내를 옮기는 건 어떨까요?
B: 그거 좋은 생각이시네요! 출장 연회업자에게 전화해 보세요.
* ‘it’s impossible to 동사, ‘~하는 것이 불가능하다’
* ‘it’s impossible + for사람 + to 동사’, ‘~에게 ~하는 것은 불가능하다’
* ‘it’s impossible for me to be there before 8’, ‘내가 8시 이전에 거기에 가는 것은 불가능해’
A: 朝(あさ)の蜘(く)蛛(も)は殺(ころ)しちゃだめって聞(き)いたんですが。
B: はい、 朝(あさ)の蜘(く)蛛(も)は福(ふく)をもたらすし、 待(ま)ち人(ひと)が
A: 아침 거미는 죽이면 안 된다고 들었는데요.
B: 네, 아침 거미는 복을 가져오고, 기다리던 사람이
온다는 얘기가 옛날부터 전해지고 있어요.
殺(ころ)す 살해하다, 죽이다 聞(き)く 듣다
もたらす 가져오다, 초래하다 伝(つた)える 전하다. 알리다
<TOEIC Part 5>
Nowadays, it is difficult to cultivate a true friendship which can last a lifetime.
(A) take (B) restore (C) stay (D) last
(요즘에는 평생 지속될 수 있는 진정한 우정을 쌓는 것이 쉽지 않다.)
nowadays 요즘에는 / cultivate 가꾸다, (우정 따위)를 돈독히 하려고 애쓰다. /
friendship 우정 / lifetime 평생
주어가 과정이나 상태를 내포하는 경우, 기간을 나타내기 위해 동사 last가 적합하다. Last는 1형식 동사이지만 뒤에 전치사 for가 생략되어 기간이 올 수 있다. 예 : The famine lasted three months (기근은 3개월간 지속되었다.) Take는 ‘소요된다’ 또는 ‘걸린다’는 뜻으로 주어가 결과를 나타내거나 과정을 나타내는 경우에만 가능하다. Restore(복구하다)의 stay(머물다)는 의미상 어울리지 않는다.
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