The Acceptability of Permanent Sterilization
Permanent sterilization is one kind of contraception that involves surgical or other invasive procedures that would prevent individuals from having children. This procedure is available for men and women. For men, the procedure is called a vasectomy – a permanent form of contraception wherein the vas deferens aresevered or tied to prevent sperm cells from moving. For women, it is called tubal ligation – a procedure wherein the fallopian tubes are clamped, tied, or cut to prevent eggs from reaching the uterus for fertilization.
This kind of contraception is not widely accepted by society because of identified pros and cons. It is even surrounded by controversy because some people consider it immoral and unacceptable. They have identified several points that explain why they are against permanent sterilization. Some of them are as follows:
First of all, permanent sterilization completely takes away the body’s ability to reproduce. It can be irreversible, so there can be no way for people to change their minds when the procedure is done. It is such a big commitment that one should not decide to undertake in his or her lifetime.
Second, it is an invasive procedure that destroys a part of the body that is functioning properly. It is irrational and immoral to remove a perfectly functional body part just to prevent it from continuing to perform its purpose.
Third, it affects people’s self-esteem and confidence because the procedure takes away something that physically defines masculinity and femininity. Being sterile may pose risks of depression and other undesirable psychological problems in the long run.
On the other hand, supporters of permanent sterilization rebut the statements mentioned by opponents by identifying some of its positive points and advantages. For these supporters, permanent sterilization is moral, acceptable, and even recommended.
First, choosing to undergo permanent sterilization is a decision made by an individual. It is a contraceptive method chosen from many other options, so that decision should be respected. Besides, people will always have different preferences and inclinations.
Second, permanent sterilization is a one-time procedure that requires minimal time and effort. It is a procedure that has to be done in one day, and its effectiveness is guaranteed to last a lifetime. It is a smart and practical choice to make, especially for those who are sure that they no longer want to have children.
Lastly, permanent sterilization makes people more secured and comfortable because they won’t be worried about unexpected pregnancies. Compared to other forms of contraception, permanent sterilization is the most effective one.

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