Dress codes are rules that pertain to clothing. A lot of workplaces have dress codes in place for their employees to comply with. Many of them require their employees to come to work in business attires while others do not. 

Having a workplace dress code is one of the highly contentioustopics in society. Many people feel that dress codes are unnecessary as they do not directly affect the work that people come to do at the office.

However, supporters of workplace dress codes say that dress codes give a professional impression of the company especially to clients. While it is true that an employee’s set of skills is what really counts, studies have shown that people make assumptions and form impressions based on how a person is dressed. That is why looking professional through a dress code is still a better way to go.

Moreover, dress codes help companies define their brands. They can be a part of companies’ corporate branding campaigns. For instance, it is necessary for workers to wear their company uniforms in order for them to be identified easily. Also, dress codes provide visual uniformity that subtly promotes the impression of being a team.

Lastly, dress codes are important when it comes to problemavoidance. They do not only exist for aesthetic purposes but for alignment with the nature of the job. For example, a workplace for blue-collar jobs may require casual attires that reduce the risk of injuries while a work place for white-collar jobs may require business attires that go with an office ambience.

On the other hand, opponents say that imposing a dress code in the workplace can become a financial burden especially if employees are required to come to work in corporate attires. Corporate attires including footwear for both men and women are often more expensive than casual garments because of the materials they are made of.

They also add that corporate attires or office uniforms, such as suits and ties, blazers, and slacks, imposed by dress codes are often uncomfortable to wear. Discomfort from wearing them for long work hours can get in the way of employees’ concentration and productivity. Additionally, being casually dressed does not mean that employees are less respectable and skilled. 

Finally, opponents believe that imposing a dress code in the workplace takes away the employees’ ability to express their personal styles. Being able to express one’s self in the workplace boosts employees’ morale which in turn leads to productivity and creativity.