World Government: The Way to a Better Future?

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  1. 2016.03.04 World Government: The Way to a Better Future?

World Government: The Way to a Better Future?

Gone are the days of war and domination. Global cooperation is now necessary for nations to succeed in many aspects. However, despite globalization and modernization, the world still faces many unsolved global problems. For this reason, some people feel that a world government is the best solution.

This proposition has a lot of promising points that are worth considering.

First, a world government could help strengthen the platforms for addressing global environmental problems. For instance,conservation efforts to help stop the depletion of resources could be addressed on an international level. In addition, the responsibility to decrease global temperature would no longer rest on selected countries.

Second, there would be a lesser probability of disastrous nuclear world war. The catastrophic effects of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing have served as a lesson to the survivors of the World War II. As a result, people have feared nuclear war. Although global cooperation seems to be at its strongest, the threat of another nuclear war will not be eliminated unless a world government is established.

Third, nations would enjoy a high degree of prosperity and security through supranational law. The European Union, which comprises nations that waged wars against each other for centuries, is a good example. Presently, European Union nations live harmoniously and thrive in economic prosperity despite their history of destructive wars and conflicting ideologies.

The idea of having a world government has also invited a lot of skepticism.

The first point to consider is that a world government may sound very promising. However, it could be fruitless in practice.Intergovernmental organizations such as the United Nations already exist to promote international cooperation among its member nations. There are other ways to address global problems. There is no reason to resort to a radical change in governance.

Secondly, every nation, regardless of its international status, celebrates nationalism. It would be impossible for nations to turn their backs on their sovereignty, heritage, and identity as a nation. Embracing world government may mean that certain policies could be a disadvantage to people who come from nations that value ethnic homogeneity

The last point to consider is that a world government will add just another layer of bureaucracy that already exists at local, regional, and national levels. It could be too overwhelming for the governed people to have too much restrictions and requirements. Instead of promoting unity, it could trigger many other conflicts that could threaten the peace and security of nations.

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