The World’s Water Problems and the United Nations

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  1. 2016.04.06 The World’s Water Problems and the United Nations

The World’s Water Problems and the United Nations

According to research, the water crisis being experienced by people is the top global risk based on its impact on the society. It may lead to devastation and even become life threatening. Problems on water such as insufficient water supply, drought and water pollution are not limited to those who live in underdeveloped countries but also those who live in advanced and economically stable areas.

Problems related to water did not exist overnight. They progressed and worsened through time. So in an effort to stop water-related problems, the United Nations made March 22nd World Water Day. It is an annual international event where people from different parts of the world celebrate the importance of water. The main goal of celebrating World Water Day is for people to have an increased appreciation towards water and to make the world realize the severity of water-related problems that humanity has to face.

This year’s highlight for the celebration of World Water Day was, “Water and Sustainable Develop-ment.” The 2015 theme draws the world’s attention to the role that water plays in promoting the well-being of humans and strengthening the economic and environmental systems.

Water is universally needed by human beings for survival however, almost 70 percent of the world’s population do not have access to clean and potable waterWater is used for energy production and other industrial purposes however, it is continually polluted and wasted. These are just some ironies that water experts emphasized in relation to this year’s theme.

Aside from the 2015 theme, U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon also focused his attention on the aggravating effects of global warming and industrialization to the world’s water supply. In one of his speeches, Mr. Ban said that climate change, the increasing demand of agriculture, industries and cities for water resources and increasing pollution hasten the water crisis. He added that cross-sectoral planning along with polices that cover international and regional levels are the only solutions that may address the problem.

The United Nations says that the celebration of World Water Day will continue in many more years to come. There are a lot of aspects about water that need to be taken into consideration and together with the heads of states and other non-profit organizations, the United Nations will keep finding solutions for water-related problems.

The organization is also calling for the participation of people around the world to support its cause by conserving water and trying to keep water sources clean. It is believed that the problems can be resolved sooner if everyone will work together.

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