Penalizing Loathing Statements on the Internet

1 articles
  1. 2016.04.21 Penalizing Loathing Statements on the Internet

Penalizing Loathing Statements on the Internet

One of the opposition parties in Korea called the New Politics Alliance for Democracy is propelling a legislation which will penalize people who post loathing statements on the Internet. Loathing comments in this context are statements with certain words that reflect condemnation of specific groups that have a specific political ideology or people from a specific region. 

People who have a positive attitude towards such legislation argue that the split in political ideologies and regionalism in Korea should be eradicated. Korea has a strong inclination for discriminating people that have a different political stance and people from different regions. In order to achieve social justice, such tendency should be eliminated. 

In addition, proponents assert that it will hinder the spread of targeting neutral individuals. Some people can be dubbed wrong even if they do not have a specific political position. There will be less victims if the legislation is passed, limiting the phenomenon of calling people certain terms. 

They also insist that some aversive comments given are based on different nationalities, genders and races which are inherent and unchangeable. It should be regulated so that people will not be called a certain way especially with names that are based on factors dictated at birth. People should not be judged based on aspects that are inborn. 

On the other hand, opponents believe that it suppresses freedom of expression. Whether they have good intentions or not, those expressions allow people to freely speak out their opinions and communicate with others. Passing the law would mean there would be limitations to what people can say or post on different Internet websites. 

Also, new words that are different in structure but have the same meaning can be created, making it harder to monitor loathing comments. People will come up with a new combination of words to avoid getting a penalty. As newly-coined words appear easily these days, the same thing can happen if the legislation gets passed. 

Lastly, the extent of punishment that will be imposed by the legislation is very vague. There can be conflicting opinions on deciding which words should be categorized as loathing or not. There needs to be a clear standard on the penalty that will be given to people who use provocative terms. 

There will be a significant change in Internet communities if the legislation will be passed. Not only will the legislation itself matter but the implementation of the law will also be essential. There needs to be enough consideration before making it a concrete law.