I’m into action movies

1 articles
  1. 2015.12.24 I’m into action movies

A: Let’s go to the movies.

B: Great! What do you want to see?

A: I’m into action movies. What about you?

B: I like science fiction films.


A: 영화 보러 가자.

B: 좋아! 뭐 보고 싶은데?

A: 난 액션 영화를 좋아해. 너는?

B: 난 공상 과학 영화가 좋아.


* ‘be into + 명사’, ‘~에 빠져있다’, ‘~을 좋아한다’, ‘~로 접어들다

* ‘I’m already into the third year since I left my hometown’, ‘내가 고향을 떠난 지 벌써 3년째 접어들었다.’

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