Concerns over the Rio Olympics

1 articles
  1. 2016.03.08 Concerns over the Rio Olympics

Concerns over the Rio Olympics

The first ever Olympic Games in South America will be held this year. The Rio Olympics will gain much worldwide attention, with Brazilians getting excited about the big international sports event to be held on their soil.

However, less than half a year left before the start, the Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro also face some people voicing out their concern about the successful hosting of the event. 

First of all, the infrastructure of this major city in Brazil is not ready yet for the Olympics. Improvement of public transportation toalleviate the notorious traffic jam is still ongoing, according to reports. The plan is to finish the project in early July, but if things don’t go well according to schedule, visitors and tourists might have to worry about being stuck in heavy traffic.

The area is also known to have problems with power. Ensuring that there is sufficient power is another issue that the government has to be concerned about.

Fundamentally, a sound economic structure is necessary for a successful hosting of a big event like the Olympics. However, currently, it is known to all that the economic situation of Brazil is not as stable as it used to be several years ago, when Rio de Janeiro was competing with other cities to do the honors of hosting the Olympics. The fall of the oil prices worldwide is another negative factor for the government to consider.

Above all, the most serious concern for the Rio Olympics should be the threat of diseases known to be transmitted by mosquitoes. The Zika virus that is spreading in Brazil and other countries has already become an alarming global health issue.

The Brazilian government is currently at a state of “war” against mosquitoes to stop the spread of the virus suspected to be the cause of brain defect in newborns. To make things worse, there are still many Brazilians living in areas without clean and hygienicenvironment, making the fight against mosquitoes a time-consuming and difficult task. It is already recommended for pregnant women to avoid visiting Brazil for the Olympics while others are advised to wear long-sleeved shirts and pants, instead of shorts to avoid mosquito attacks.

With the short remaining time left before the opening ceremony, a lot of efforts seem to be necessary for the Rio Olympics to push through smoothly and finish successfully.

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