Are TV and movie celebrities automatically role models? Why did you say so?

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  1. 2016.03.18 Are TV and movie celebrities automatically role models? Why did you say so?

Are TV and movie celebrities automatically role models? Why did you say so?

Interviewee’s Answer: 
People turn to the Internet or television to get valuable news on current events from around the world and seek entertainment amidst a life of monotony and routine. 

When too much hype revolves around celebrities like actors and actresses, bands and singers, trends are easily absorbed by thesusceptible audience, especially children and adolescents. When Miley Cyrus adopts a new hairstyle or manner of dressing, it is automatically mirrored by some of her fans almost overnight. When celebrities argue on Twitter, fans take sides and bash each other online. 

Since the advent of the Internet, it became harder and harder to keep the private lives of the celebrities from the public. The pressure to become role models has become a question of choice, rather than social obligation. During a time like this when identity is given so much importance, it becomes increasingly difficult for the celebrity to assume one when the media is so keen on reporting his or her every move. 

Celebrities argue that they have the right to assume an identity of their choosing. Certain things, some celebrities say, is beyond their control. They cannot be completely at fault for influencing the behavior of the public. As much as non-show business personalities, celebrities have free will as much as we do. I would argue that some of the responsibility rests on the audience, too. As people who have free will, the audience bears the duty to be critical thinkers. A critical thinker must be able to separate Lindsay Lohan, the artist from Lindsay Lohan, the drug addict. However, the audience is not only limited to discriminating adults. This is where acompromise needs to be made between the celebrities and the audience. 

Celebrities do not choose their fans. Fans choose them, and children and adolescents are among those fans. During their crucial stages of human development, they need an environment that help mold their identity. An immediate environment that is supportive is not enough for them. I believe that the media and everystakeholder, including celebrities, needs to play an active role in ensuring that children are exposed to good influences. 

Therefore, celebrities have to act and behave without forgetting that they are role models with a position to influence people’s decisions and behaviors. The public, on the other hand, must be vigilant and responsible enough to determine how much of what they see on TV should affect their lives.